- laying the bike over while at slow or stopped speeds doesn't nesseserily kill you but it sure creates colorful bruises.
- Stitches are stronger than you may think and doctors are not at all understanding of a girls need to have fun.
- Vicodin is a wonderful thing.
- If anyone suggests learning to ride a motorcycle on grass first, hunt them down and kill them.
- Getting caught in a rain-shower also won't kill you but thunderstorms are best weathered under a roof of some sort.
- Even Harley riders show some signs of humility while pouring rainwater out of their boots.
- Cars really, really, truly look right THROUGH motorcycles on the road and I vow not to talk on my cell phone while driving (unless I have a bluetooth and then only when it's really important and brief). My boss will just have to wait a few minutes till I can call back.
- There really is nothing in the world like a 600 lb vibrator. :D
I can't say THANK YOU enough to my fellow Lady Biker friend Julia for loaning me the Honda. If she hadn't, I doubt I'd have followed through with my threat to learn to ride. But the Honda isn't ready to go home just yet...she's getting a bit of a makeover first. ;)
Wave at bikers when you see them on the road. One of them just might be ME! And PLEASE, LOOK FOR MOTORCYCLES actively when you drive and PLEASE stay off the cell phone and pay attention.