Saturday, November 22, 2008

RNs on Motorcycles

I was trying to find a motorcycle riding club involving nurses tonight. While I (surprisingly) didn't find any such groups, I did come across this "filler" article in a local Med Center site:

Joan Caldarella, R.N., is celebrating her golden anniversary as a nurse at a Massachusetts community hospital by riding her Harley Davidson motorcycle over the Golden Gate Bridge. Despite decades of change in the nursing profession, the 72-year-old Mrs. Caldarella has helped at least 80,000 patients in a career of extraordinary stability at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Needham.

Pardon me.... you want to read that again?! GOLDEN anniversary...that means 50 years! and how old is she to celebrate that...ON HER HARLEY ROAD KING?????? 72 freaking years old thankyouverymuch! Oh, the Road King is only one of her hogs by the way. Oh. My. Freaking. Gawd. I feel like such a weenie right now. I think when I grow up I want to be Mrs. Joan Caldarella.
Read the rest of this wonderful story here.