It's just not possible to describe how one nurse feels when a family member chooses to follow her into the family of nurses. The closest I can think of would be when your daughter becomes a mother herself. You cry for them. You cry because you are proud, because you know how much joy it will bring them and you cry because you already know the pain they will have to endure.
Nursing is not a job, it's not a profession, it's not even a 'lifestyle''s a commitment. A commitment to put others ahead of yourself. A commitment to take a bullet for someone you don't know and may not even like. A commitment to always fight for the most defenseless
Do nurses cry? Oh yes. Sometimes for ourselves. Sometimes for our patient. Sometimes for the family. Sometimes for each other. Sometimes for the whole situation, but we cry. We cry in shock, in sorrow, in relief, in joy..but we cry. We cry ALOT.
Here's to praying (for in the end that's the support nurses need most - PRAYER) that the newest member of my nursing family, my beautiful neice Heather, will learn to cry for all the right reasons. How else can I possibly express how proud of her and her choices to join the family of nurses? Of course...I cried.
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