I managed to get myself together early today. cool.
Alright, last evening I promised to show you a better picture of the Pinwheel Sweater. On the left is a phot
1. Work the thumb trick stitches one stitch in from the spiral row of yarn overs and work a K2Tog at both ends of the sleeve slit and
2. leave a bit of extra working yarn (float) in the back of your thumb trick slit especially if you are knitting in COTTON. I'm a little nervous about my woven in ends holding. I'll probably duplicate stitch some reinforcement in the 'pits'.
And in the Quilting Corner! Update: I figured out how to get the poll feature to work. WOOHOO! Feel free to vote. :)
OK, this is the selection of my current quilt UFO's. A bias strip stained glass 'Rose Window' (of my own design thankyouverymuch), A Jacobean applique piece in some really cool reds and wood tones (I love special effect fabrics) ... and one of the many pieces of Cathedral Windows that will someday all come together to be one incongruous quilt that will probably represent my incongruous life better than any prose.
So I'm taking votes....what should I work on?
Your quilts are beautiful!
Sorry to hear that you lose all your "old" ones in the fire; that must have been terrible!
I love your Rose Window; well, I like them all, but since you asked for votes, I vote for that one!
Elaine, I vote for the stained glass one. What a tough choice though!
I love how many knitters I'm running across who are/were quilters! I have a quilt pattern design business that's been sorely neglected since I started knitting again. :-) I've got a fair bit of fabric stash, so if there's something you need let me know and I'll be happy to share!
I vote for the stained glass UFO as well, but kat and christine are right, it's a tough choice!
Well, you know how much I LOVE applique and Jacobean at that!! So that's the one I voted for. But I see I'm in the minority! Oh well....
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