2 : a mixture of various things
I'm not a big gardener. I love fresh vegetables on the table but I HATE the growing and harvesting thing. Some years the idea of fresh food convinces me to suck it up and grow a garden. This was one of those years. One of my favorite garden foods is Summer Squash and Zuchini (yes...I actually love having tons of zuchini and no, I don't make bread out of it.) Well, I was all ready for some Summer Squash steamed gently and soaked in butter until my husband brought in this one....
I WAS hungry...suddenly...not so much.
Every time I begin to take the knife to it someone in the house cringes.
My hubby wants to know just WHAT sort of seeds I'm planting in that garden.
I did some shopping with my friend Christine this weekend too. I did pretty well, some gorgeous beads, some of which are special and intended for gifts so no pics. GREAT bead store though. (and if I can remember the name of it, I'll add it in.) The yarn shop can remain anonymous. It was a great store if you like overpriced acrylic novelty yarns. Me? I felt about them just slightly less revulsed than by the squash. And then the quilt store (also a name I need to find). Fantastic little shop. They didn't have the most fabric or the most books or the most room...but they had two of the nicest ladies running the place who might have invented the term 'salesmanship'. They verbally and sincerely made us welcome, let us know they wanted to help us and also wanted to leave us to our shopping. I came home with purchases. One of which was this:
Now, the primary attraction for me might be rather obvious, no? it's a quilt of bunny applique's. Very cute. But can you see the price tag at the bottom? $20 for outlines of bunnies that honestly are not what a show breeder ever wants to see in their barn. Great idea, cute concept, one of those things I could work out on my own a little more to my taste and a little pricey....
Until I turned the booklet over and saw the title...
Damn. That's just not even fair. Stupid thing just hopped right into my bag. I swear I had no control over it.
Elaine, you are nuts!! LOL.
I can't help but think that our mutual German Angora friend would eat that squash right up. ;)
(I wouldn't blame you for not approving this one, lol!)
You need some of these peppers to go with your squash:
It would make an interesting garden!
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