Monday, May 26, 2008

Re: Memorial Day

Thank you.

A new obsession

This is a Navajo (Dine) style loom built by DH and myself using plans from Navajo Weaving Way: The Path from Fleece to Rug (Paperback) by Noel Bennett (Author), Tiana Bighorse (Author), John Running (Author) The yarn is handspun singles as traditional to Dine weaving and boy is it hard to force myself to spin a worsted single! My real interest is in pictorial weaving in the Dine style but we'll see where this takes me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

A picture of my day

Nursing notes hanging out to dry. (note the coffee stains) A sad loss of decent coffee too.{sigh}

So here's the poop...

By switching to the new URL I can easily get my email posting and RSS feeds to work. The $10 a year was worth all the headache it saved trying to fix it on my own site. Of course, now I can't seem to get my ftp to load so I can't fix the links on the main site. Ah well. I'll get that settled later. In the meantime, here I am.
So I'm thinking that I have so much in a day that I WANT to post...little thoughts, funny sights, touching moments... but I don't have the time or energy to sit down to long typing sessions with links and all that. I love those sights with small thought provoking messages or photos and that's the way I'd like to share my days and thoughts. At least that's the plan. Sheesh...I have TWO of the most internet savy smartphones on the market with fantastic cameras on them....I even have one of those truly kewl keyboards that folds to the size of a wallet. You would think I could be a bit mobile, right? So I'll try, I promise I'll try.

Test 2

My bad ass hubby

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gotta get this working better

Frustrated? who...ME?! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I have got to get this blog working better. I'm still not getting the email post to show up to say nothing of the email photos. I just don't have as much time to trouble shoot as I used to. I also don't have as much time for template tuning by html like I used to. Something's got to give. I might go back to a blogger hosted address and let it do most of the work for me. If anyone has easier suggestions, please feel free to send them along.