Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Thrianta juniors...

I'm posting a link here to my flickr page showing my current litter of Thrianta juniors. What I'm looking for most is juding comments about these guys, hense the belly shots. The rabbits were mostly unposed so that they would show their own posture and type. The photos were shot in bright sun and identical automatic color correction was applied to all the photos. There are no DQ's, no white fur though some is very light on the ends of the tails. They are still housed together and I noticed a scratched eye or two but no other injuries (time to separate I do believe). The photo numbers are pretty common sense. There is one doe and her number is D1, the bucks are B0(zero) through B3. I know which ones I like best, but let me know what you think.

This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Thrianta Juniors. Make your own badge here.

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